The sixth installment in the Scream franchise stars Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Jasmine Savoy Brown, Mason Gooding, Hayden Panettiere, and Courteney Cox. Scream VI follows a new Ghostface killer who targets the survivors of the “Woodsboro legacy attacks” in New York City. The film is the highest-grossing Scream movie domestically, and features a score composed by Brian Tyler and Sven Faulconer.
Side A
1. Scream VI Suite
2. Prelude
3. Something Red
4. Walk It Off
5. Warmer Colder
6. Sam At The Shrink
7. Sam And Danny
8. Not Overreacting
9. Bodega Terror
Side B
1. Stalking The Aisles
2. Stuck In Town
3. Last Therapy Session
4. It’s A Franchise
5. Ghostface History
6. Sam Is Suspect
7. The Core Four
8. Apartment Mayhem
9. Don’t Trust Anyone
10. Off The Case
Side C
1. The Shrine
2. Game Recognize Game
3. Make Your Own Family
4. No Press Allowed
5. Tracing The Call
6. Gale’s Apartment
7. Gale Vs Ghostface
8. Tara’s Plan
9. Two Subways
Side D
1. Kill Box
2. Trapped
3. Tara And Chad
4. Theater Ambush
5. Standoff
6. Revelations
7. The Grand Finale
8. Revenge
9. Together
10. Haunted